Friends of Vallajeelt School
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Friends of
Vallajeelt School

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Trustee's Roles

Role of Chairperson

Main purpose of the role

The Chair directs your meetings, making sure everyone's views are heard and everyone is involved in the meeting. He or she should make sure all committee members are familiar with the association's constitution, and their role and responsibilities as a committee member and trustee.

Duties and key responsibilities

* Prepares for meetings (with the Secretary).

* Invites committee members, parents and staff.

* Suggests items for the agenda.

* Identifies outstanding items from last meeting.

* Prepares introductions for any new members attending.

* Sets the ground rules for meetings and makes sure they are inclusive and efficient.

* Delegates tasks to other members and volunteers, and checks they are completed.

* Liaises with the school and requests a 'wish list' for the committee to agree what to fund.

* Ensures the committee fulfils its role in respect of governance of the association as set out in the constitution, for example holding an AGM, election of committee, working with the Treasurer to ensure annual returns are completed if the PTA is charity commission registered.

* Ensures any decisions made are clear, fit the objects of the constitution, and by agreement of the committee.

* Writes the annual report for the association (with the Secretary).

* Is a signatory on the PTA bank account (along with at least one other trustee).

* Making sure the association is GDPR compliant.

Key skills

* Confident and assertive - able to control meetings and call to order when necessary, making sure everyone has an opportunity to speak.

* Ability to remain impartial - make sure contributions are brief and ensure everyone's views are respected.

* Calm, friendly and approachable - as the main point of contact for the PTA for the school and parents the Chair must be inclusive and make sure everyone feels welcome.

* Organised and able to delegate - most PTAs have lots of activities going on and the Chair should make sure the workload is shared and tasks are completed as agreed.

Role of Treasurer

Main purpose of the role

The Treasurer ensures accurate financial records are kept and best practice procedures are followed for counting money, banking and making payments. He or she should keep the committee updated with regular reports, and ensure end of year reports are completed for the association's AGM and filed with the Isle of Man Charities Administration.

Duties and key responsibilities

* Keeps up to date and accurate financial records.

* Presents financial updates at each committee meeting.

* Manages the PTA bank account, holds the association cheque book and is a signatory on the PTA bank account (along with at least one other trustee).

* Arranges changes of signatories on the association bank account.

* Ensures all bank cards, cheque books and paying books are accounted for and obtained from any individual leaving the PTA.

* Ensures best practice procedures for counting and banking money after events are in place and followed.

* Makes approved payments.

* Ensures procedures for making approved payments and claiming approved expenses are followed by all committee members.

* Prepares annual treasurers report for AGM and arranges, if required, an independent examination of the association accounts.

* Completes the Isle of Man Charities Administration Annual Reports.

Key skills

* Basic understanding of book keeping - able to maintain accurate records of income and expenditure.

* Organised with an eye for detail - big events involve counting a lot of small change. The Treasurer leads the 'money' team, making up floats and collecting money from various stalls.

* Calm, approachable and a team player - it's a busy role. The Treasurer must be able to remain calm during busy times, and ensure he or she does not work in isolation by communicating regularly with the rest of the committee.

Role of Secretary

Main purpose of the role

The Secretary supports the Chair to build effective communication links between the school and the association and maintains accurate records (see below).

Duties and key responsibilities

* Prepares for meetings (with the Chair).

* Takes minutes at meetings, recording attendance, action points, decisions and proposals.

* Circulates approved minutes, along with a reminder of any actions agreed.

* Maintains association records.

* Making sure that the association is GDPR compliant.

* Updates trustee details with the Isle of Man Charities Administration (as appropriate).

* Assists the Chair writing the annual report for the association.

* Is a signatory on the PTA bank account (along with at least one other trustee).

* Handles written and email correspondence received for the association.

Key skills

* Organised and efficient - keeps accurate records in a format that can easily be handed over to successor.

* Good listener - able to identify key discussion points, actions and agreements at meetings to accurately record in minutes.

* Calm, friendly and approachable - able to communicate confidently with the school and committee.